Tangovibe Vuelvo al Sur - DJ Debbie (Christchurch)
Saturday 22 Oct 7:30pm - Midnight, $35
BYO Light refreshments by the Mediterranean Food Company
Dress to impress in your finest threads for a grand evening at one of our favourite venues.
Hohepa Hall 23 Barrington Street, Spreydon.
We are very happy to have one of our favourite local DJ provide the tunes for the Saturday night Milonga.
Deb became a DJ from her love of tango music and dance . She is resident DJ at Sunday tango in Christchurch as well as guest DJ at local and national events and most recently Spring Tango in Auckland. Her passion for tango music grew from from her many trips to Buenos Aires , dancing and listening to the beauty of tango in the traditional milongas. Over the years she has built an extensive collection of tango music and although her preference is for the Golden Age music ,there are some other very special pieces that she shares from time to time . She likes to take the dancers on a musical journey and looks forward to you joining her at Vuelvo al Sur in Christchurch.
It’s time to Return to the South with Tango Vibe’s Vuelvo al Sur Milongas.
It’s Labour day weekend and we are very excited to add a new venue to our old favourites to include one of the most fantastic buildings in Christchurch. Come and join us and book your pre-sale Combos for just $75 (only available before the weekend)
Please contact Frank at tangovibe@gmail.com for Pre-sale Combo or Individual Tickets.
Hold on, there is more! Cecilia Gonzales & Blas Rivera will be running workshops from Saturday until Monday, hosted by Anne-Maree Therekleson. Email annmaree.therekleson@gmail.com or visit www.tangolibre.com for more info.