Argentine Tango
Tango is in essence walking around the floor with your partner and the music, something that sounds so simple but is forever changing, challenging and can take a lifetime to master.
Tango has many different styles. The videos below show some examples from international dancers that give a good idea of the different music and dance styles. As with any description, opinions vary and there are normally more exceptions to rules than following of rules.
The Vals is the tango version of the Waltz and tends to be continuous and flowy. Milonga is the most rhythmic music, it has a slow underlaying beat with a variety of faster melodies on top that can be played with but can be comfortably danced on the base beat. Than there is Nuevo or tango electronica. From a more traditional perspective Nuevo is everything after Piazzolla but often music in the style of Gothan Project is referred to as Nuevo.
There is so much variety in tango that it would take some time to explain it all. From all music and
dancing styles it is probably the most dramatic because of the stretches and pauses. The beauty is not having a strong rhythmic drum like beat allowing a lot of room for interpretation of the melody.
The Vals coming from the Waltz is probably the most fluent form and is danced more in a continues motion.
The most rhythmic music. You sometimes have to listen for the stronger underlaying beat but it has one you can dance too but there is a lot of faster playful melody on top you can play with.
Nuevo and tango electronica are more modern forms of tango music and include non tangos making it very broad. They can include all the above forms of dance forms but is often danced more open.
Nuevo Electronico
Nuevo and tango electronica are more modern forms of tango music and include non tangos making it very brought. They can include all the above forms of dance forms.